
The Practical Encyclopedia of Christian Counseling is unavailable, but you can change that!

For some time the Biblical counseling world has needed a reference volume containing articles that refer to the various aspects of Christian counseling. Here Jay Adams, the father of Nouthetic counseling, sets forth in concise form what you need to know. The book is not academically oriented; rather it is a practical work in which insights, directions, and methodology may be found side-by-side...

Because faith should lead to works, as both James and Paul affirm, Christian counseling focuses on the period between sessions when, as the counselee does the homework assigned in a previous session, changes take place in the milieu. Homework should be concrete (q.v.): written and clearly spelled out. The counselee should not be allowed to get away with failing to do his homework. At times, if homework is not done, the counselors may simply say, “We can go no further today since to do so
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